Bacaan lanjut Bahasa_Ibrani_Misynah

  • Bar-Asher, Moshe, Mishnaic Hebrew: An Introductory Survey, Hebrew Studies 40 (1999) 115–151.
  • Kutscher, EY A Short History of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem: Magnes Press, Leiden: EJBrill, 1982 pp. 115–146.
  • Pérez Fernández, Miguel, An Introductory Grammar of Rabbinic Hebrew (terj. John Elwolde), Leiden: EJ Brill 1997.
  • Sáenz-Badillos, Angel, A History of the Hebrew Language (ISBN 0-521-55634-1 ) (terj. John Elwolde), Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
  • MH Segal, Mishnaic Hebrew and its Relation to Biblical Hebrew and to Aramaic , JQR 20 (1908): 647–73